In accordance with federal regulations set forth by The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a summary of consumer information that must be made available to all students at Ventura College.  Each topic listed gives a brief description of the information that must be disclosed and explains how it can be obtained. If you need assistance obtaining information listed or you would like a paper copy, contact the Financial Aid Office at your campus.

I. Information About Ventura College 

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Programs and Services Available to Students with Disabilities
Student Body Diversity
Textbook Information
Voter Registration Information
Transfer Information
Cost of Attendance
Fees and Refund Policies
Refund Request Process for Military Veteran's and Dependents
Withdrawal Procedures
Description of Academic Programs
Instructional Facilities and Labs
Accreditation Information
Copyright Infringement
Constitution Day Information
Standards of Student Conduct
International Students
Veterans Services

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services

Student Activities at Ventura College
Schedule of Classes
Missing Student Notification
Filing a Complaint

Consortium and Contractual Agreement

Program Curriculum

I.V. Information Regarding Health and Safety

Overview of Financial Aid Program
Contact Information for Obtaining Financial Aid Assistance
How to Apply for Financial Aid
Eligibility for Financial Aid
Foster Youth Success Initiative
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Need Based and Non Need Based Federal and State Financial Aid
Types of Financial Aid
Financial Aid  Links
Net Price Calculator
Federal Work Study
How and When Financial Aid Will be Distributed
Out of State Information
Rights and Responsibilities of Aid Recipients
Return to Title IV
Title IX
Student Loan Information
Direct Plus Loan Information
Terms and Conditions of Direct Loans
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)
Terms and Conditions of Direct Loan Deferments
Terms of Loans Received, Repayment Schedules and Repayment
Loan Entrance Counseling
Loan Exit Counseling
Loan Code of Conduct Policy
Private Educational Loan Disclosures
Ventura College Promise
I.I.I Information Regarding Student Outcomes

Graduation, Transfer and Retention Rates
Graduation and Retention Rates for Student Athletes
Equity in Athletic Disclosure

I.V. Information Regarding Health and Safety

Campus Safety(Crime and Fire Logs)
Crime Prevention and Information
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

Vaccination Policies (updated August 2021)

Student Body Diversity 

Ventura College regularly reports this information to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Follow these steps to access this information:

Go to the IPEDS College Navigator at
In the “Name of School” box type Ventura College
Clink on the Ventura College link that appears.
For gender and race/ethnicity data, click on the Enrollments link to expand the selection
For information about Pell Grant recipients, expand the Financial Aid link
Gender, demographic, and other data is also available in the Student Profile documents published regularly by the Ventura College department of Institutional Assessment, Research, and Planning can be found on our website at: Institutional Research

Textbook Information Student can access each semester's book list at the online Bookstore.

Voter Registration Information 
Ventura College encourages eligible students to register to vote. Students may access the California Voter Registration website by logging onto the Portal and selecting “Online Voter Registration” on the Register / Pay tab. Students wishing to register via voter registration card may pick one up in Admissions & Records, Student Services Building, or in the Office of Student Life, Campus Center. Please log in to the student portal to sign up:

Fees and Refund Policies 

The fees are listed at: The bottom of this page also includes the refund policy as well as the Refund Request Form.

Instructional Facilities and Labs 

The college provides the instructional, laboratory, and physical plant facilities needed to support each of its academic programs. Contact the chairperson for the department for specific information about the facilities and resources available to support the academic program. Departments can be found online at

Information on the college's faculty and instructional personnel is available at: Faculty and Administration  of the College Catalog.

Copyright Infringement

Illegal Distribution of Copyrighted Materials 
Ventura College supports the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Digital Millennium Copyright Act, including efforts to eliminate the illegal distribution of copyrighted material. Ventura College Board Policy BP 1100 and Ventura College Administrative Procedure 3710, developed through the consultation process, provide guidelines to students, faculty and staff to assist in compliance with federal copyright laws. BP and AP 3710

Constitution Day Information 

Please note: The last in-person event was in 2020 before the pandemic. We will hold an in-person event this Fall 2022.
In order to comply with the new federal regulation requiring the development of educational programming to celebrate Constitution Day on September 17th of each year, Ventura College’s Office of Student Life provides faculty, students and staff with access to U.S. Constitution Day educational resources, movies, toolkits and free pocket size U.S. Constitution books.

Overview of Financial Aid Program 

Ventura College has a full array of Title IV programs and California State Programs.
Alternative Loans offered by private lenders, Ventura College Foundation Scholarships and off campus scholarships are also administered by the Ventura College Financial Aid Office. For more information please see the site at:

Contact Information for Obtaining Financial Aid Assistance 

Prospective or enrolled students who have questions about obtaining Ventura Scholarships or federal or state financial aid should contact the Ventura College Financial Aid Office at:
Telephone: (805) 289-6369
Information given over the phone or through email will be general information only. You must be able to provide your Student ID#. Please stop by our office for specific information regarding your financial aid file.  Additional contact information for specific staff members can be found at:

Need Based and Non Need Based Federal and State Financial Aid Ventura College has a full array of aid programs. Some are need based and some are non need based as determined by the information provided and verified on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, the California Dream Act Application, or the Ventura College Scholarship application

Study Abroad Resources

Terms and Conditions of Direct Loans 

Terms and conditions of Direct Loans are included in the Borrower’s Rights and Responsibilities Statement, which the borrower receives upon completion of a Master Promissory Note with the Department of Education. The borrower may request another copy of their Borrower’s Rights and Responsibilities Statement at any time by contacting the Direct Loan Servicing Center.

National Student Loan Data System 

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education’s central database for student financial aid records. Federal loans disbursed to students or parents will be submitted to NSLDS and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system. Student and parent borrowers can track and manage their federal student loans and grants online at The secured site displays information on loans and grants, including amounts, outstanding balances and status. Student and parent borrowers can also find contact information for their loan servicer.

Terms and Conditions of Direct Loan Deferment 

Information regarding the various deferments available to student and parent loan borrowers is available at the Department of Education web site – under “Managing Repayment” and click on “Trouble Making Payments?”

Terms of Loans Received, Repayment Schedules and Repayment 

Generally, borrowers will have 10 to 25 years to repay their loan, depending on the repayment plan they choose. The loan servicer will notify the borrower of the date the first payment is due. If a repayment plan is not chosen by the borrower, the borrower will be placed on the standard repayment plan, with fixed monthly payments for up to 10 years. Repayment plans can be changed at any time by contacting the loan servicer. Information about standard repayment, extended repayment, graduated repayment, income contingent repayment (not available for parent PLUS loans), and income-based repayment can be found at under “Managing Repayment”. Click “Repayment Plans & Calculators”.

Loan Entrance Counseling 
The Federal Government requires first-time student borrowers to complete loan entrance counseling to ensure that the student borrower understands the responsibilities and obligations they are assuming. In order to provide the required comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of the loan and the borrower’s responsibilities, first-time student loan borrowers at Ventura College are required to complete online entrance counseling at as part of their Direct Loan application with Ventura College.

Loan Exit Counseling 
Ventura College is required to provide counseling to federal student loan borrowers when the student ceases at least half-time study at Ventura College. Student borrowers who fall below half-time units at Ventura College are sent an email directing them to to complete exit counseling and to receive information on monthly repayment amounts, repayment plan options, options to prepay or pay on a shorter schedule, debt management strategies, use of the Master Promissory Note, the seriousness and importance of student’s repayment obligation, terms and conditions for forgiveness or cancelation, terms and conditions for deferment or forbearance, consequences of default, options and consequences of loan consolidation, and tax benefits available to borrowers, as well as other necessary information.

Private Educational Loan Disclosures 
Any student applying for a private education loan at Ventura College must complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) with the school in order to ensure that all available waivers and grants are available to the student, as well as to encourage students to make use of low-interest loans available through the Department of Education (subsidized if eligible). Student borrowers at Ventura College are counseled to compare the terms and conditions of Department of Education loans with the terms and conditions of private education loans to determine the more favorable borrowing option.
Upon request, Ventura College will provide the self-certification form for private education loans required under Sec. 128(e)(3) of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1638(e)(3) and the information required to complete the form, to the extent that Ventura College possesses the information. For more information please see the
Private Educational Loan Disclosures Webpage.

Graduation, Transfer and Retention Rates 
Ventura College regularly reports this information to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).Follow these steps to access this information:
1. Go to the IPEDS College Navigator at
2. In the “Name of School” box type Ventura College
3. Clink on the Ventura College link that appears.
4. Click on the Retention and Graduation Rates link to expand the selection.

Graduation and Retention Rates for Student Athletes 
Graduation and retention rates must be provided to student-athletes, their parents, high school coaches, and guidance counselors when an athletically related student aid offer is made. Ventura College does not offer financial aid to students based on athletic ability. For information on graduation and retention rates or student success programs for student-athletes, please contact the Athletic Department, Ventura College, 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003.

Equity in Athletic Disclosure 

All coeducational institutions of higher education that participate in any Federal student financial aid program (Federal Pell, Federal SEOG, and Federal SSIG Grants; Federal Work Study; and Federal Family Education, Federal Perkins, and William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans) and have intercollegiate athletics programs must provide information concerning their intercollegiate athletics programs under the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act of 1994, Section 485g of the Higher Education Act of 1965, 20 U. S. C. 1092.
For more information or to receive a copy of the report, contact the Athletic Department, Ventura College, 4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003.

Student Activities 

The Student Activities Office oversees the Associated Students of Ventura College (ASVC), student clubs, posting approval, use of facilities and services by student clubs, student photo ID cards, and the commencement ceremony